Clarification- again. Next Monday- 14 February- presentations begin. At the beginning of class, you should turn in the following: Your PSA, your promotional event information, which should include: what, where, when, how much and contacts. The what, where, when should be part of your press release. This may be put on the top of this sheet. In addition, you will have two promotional items (one if you are working by yourself): brochure, poster, clothing design, tchotchkes, etc. Finally, you should have prepared the presentation of your public service announcement. This may be a very-well read live event, accompanied by your poster or perhaps background material shown on the smart board. This may be recorded ahead and simply shown. Filming is not a substitution for the 90 seconds of written material.
Finally, please see the rubrics below for the oral and written components of this project. Measure yourself by these. To follow: art project rubric.
Public Service Announcement Rubric Written Component
name: ________________________
1 = Weak 2 = Moderately Weak 3 = Average 4 = Moderately Strong 5 = Strong
1. The student introduces the topic in a clear, lively, and interesting fashion.
1 2 3 4 5
2. The student expresses a firm opinion, along with supporting reasons, in a single sentence.
1 2 3 4 5
3. The student establishes criteria or standards upon which his/her opinion is based.
1 2 3 4 5
4. The student supports the opinion with identifiable reasons and concrete evidence.
1 2 3 4 5
5. The student takes into account the point of view of the audience being addressed.
1 2 3 4 5
6. The student acknowledges opposing viewpoints and addresses contradictory evidence.
1 2 3 4 5
7. If appropriate, the student proposes one or more solutions to a presented problem.
1 2 3 4 5
8. The student concludes with a restatement of the expressed opinion that encourages either agreement or action from the audience.
1 2 3 4 5
9. The spelling, punctuation, and grammar on the writing assignment are accurate.
1 2 3 4 5
10. The writing assignment is neatly typed.
1 2 3 4 5
Additional Comments: ____________________________________________________________
Possible points: 50 Points Received: _______
I apologize for the format below: I have hard copies, if you wish.
Oral Presentation RubricName ________________________________________________ Date _____________________
performance distinguished proficient apprentice novice possible actual points
of Audience • Significantly increases audience . Raises audience . Raises audience Fails to increase 20 ______
understanding and knowledge understanding and understanding and audience understanding
of topic; knowledge of most points; knowledge of some of knowledge of topic
• Effectively convinces an . Clear point of view, but points
audience to recognize development is inconclusive .Point of view may be
the validity of a point of view. Incomplete clear, but lacks development
Strength of
• Clear purpose and subject; Has some success defining . Attempts to define . Subject and purpose not
• Pertinent examples, facts, purpose and subject; some purpose and subject clearly defined.
and/or statistics examples ,understanding of . Weak examples or facts .Very weak or no support of
• Conclusions/ideas are supported presenter’s position that do not clearly support subject through examples
by evidence; .Has some success defining purpose the subject.
. Major ideas summarized and left and subject . Includes very thin data . Very weak or no support of
audience with full understanding of .Included some examples, facts, in support of ideas or subject through use of facts
presenter’s position. statistics to support the subject conclusions or statistics
. May need to refine or summarize . Audience left with a vague . Major ideas left unclear 20 ______
final ideas. idea to remember
.Relaxed, self-confident and appropriately . Quick recovery from minor mistakes . Some tension or indifference .Nervous tension obvious and /or
dressed for purpose or audience; . Appropriately dressed apparent and possible inappropriately dressed for purpose
. Builds trust and holds attention by direct . Fairly consistent eye contact inappropriate dress for or audience
eye contact with all parts of audience; . satisfactory variation and inflection purpose or audience . Low volume and / or monotonous
.Fluctuation in volume and inflection help to .Uneven volume with little or tone causes audience to disengage 20 _______
maintain audience interest and emphasize key point no inflection.
Final Score _______
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