We will continue with the prezi presentations tomorrow. These will be the first grade of the 6th term marking period. A couple of people sent me things last night. As the individual article and site list were due last Friday, these were recorded as 50s. The newsletter was due Monday, but anyone who turned it in by Tuesday midnight recieved full credit. The grades are done with the exception of today's work (see below). I'll double check with everyone to make sure they are accurate and haven't overlooked any work you sent.
Mr. Grevin is your substitute today.
DUE AT THE CLOSE OF CLASS TODAY: We have looked at mainstream news sources this year, but there are what are referred to as alternative sources. As with all news, one must bring a critically thinging mind and an awareness of sponsership. This week Osama bin Laden's killing has dominated the headlines. Take a look at the list below and read an article about this situation from three sources. On the blog, list the three sources and write a brief 25 word observation as to anything you've noted that is different from what main stream sources have shared.
Here's the link for the list of altenative news sources:http://www.world-newspapers.com/alternative-news.html
One thing that I noticed as different with these independent articles is that they attempt to look at this even in more than one way. The mainstream opinion of what happened to Bin Laden on May 1st is that it was a victory; these articles wonder about the other sides and consequences of this action.
I think that due to the fact that every website that is listed as an 'alternative' source is labeled that because they don't have the experienced writers that are working for the mainstream news companies. These writers seem obviously not as skilled as the other major companies, such as nbc or any other breaking news websites/news resources. Louis Ressel.
These sources are much less investigative than editorial. The sites are essentially re-reporting the headlines, and then digging up opinions and/or including their own to create a "new" story. Examples: "White House Sees Bin Laden Killing as Precedent" - "Did Osama Bin Laden Win the "War on Terror"?"
The other articles focus more on terrorism as a whole, Obama's involvement, and what this post death means, as opposed to how he died/the rejoicing of it.
These independent/alternative articles are different from mainstream articles are that they look at the situation at different angles or views. For example, one article looks at the other views of the people that are thinking differently about Bin Laden's death, while another looks at the political background of events before that contributed to his eventual death. Rather than looking at the more popular news that seems obvious, these independent sources take a different path at understanding the topic.
1) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42906279/ns/world_news-death_of_bin_laden
ReplyDelete2) http://axisoflogic.com/artman/publish/Article_62911.shtml
3) http://www.adbusters.org/blogs/adbusters-blog/osama.html
It's really interesting to see both how Americans around the U.S. reacted to the death of Osama but also how many different views there are of what actually occurred. The one article that I read that was surprising was the article that said Osama had already been killed and that the whole story is a cover up.
Savannah Goole
Consortium News says “hailed bin Laden’s slaying as a model for “targeting” Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi and his sons.” I feel that most people are concerned about a conflict arising with Pakistan, not Lybia. Also, democracy now brings up the ideas that the U.S. Intelligence knew about Bin Laden’s whereabouts two years ago, that they were tipped off by the Pakistani government, and also there are several theories on people’s blogs and newsfeeds that because he was buried at sea, we never actually killed him, and it’s just another reason to start international conflict. Is our government really that corrupt?
From Democracy Now – “The statement says: "The fact is that this particular location was pointed out by our intelligence quite some time ago to the U.S. intelligence." Meanwhile in Pakistan, hundreds of people took part in protests Wednesday criticizing the United States for conducting unilateral attacks inside Pakistan’s borders.”
The pictures exist, wether the release of them is under question or not. He was shot, he was killed, there are photo’s of Clinton and Obama horrified watching the live feed.
Elaine Stewart
ReplyDeleteMs. Parker
Journalism period 5
5 May 2011
The articles that I read on the Osama topic all told details of the story that news stations have either over looked or felt were unimportant to the story. Every detail is important. One of the articles had a picture showing the compound in which he inhabited and all three told that he and the people occupying the compound were unarmed. Details seem to slip from the news reported on a daily basis mostly because they do not seem juicy enough to capture the audience and do not help the reporters views shine bright.
Mainstream news networks have been calling Bin Laden’s death a victory for America. Americans all over have been celebrating as if all evil has been destroyed forever. The alternative sites have given more detail into how he was killed and even claim that it was execution. Of the five men killed, only one was armed. Alternative sites look are more focused on details of the event then convincing people that Bin Laden’s death means we are all safe.
They are all pretty common there is one that shows how happy people are about the death of Osama Bin Lain but then another says that he is still a human being and no one deserves to die. A lot of the articles did not focus on terrorism as something that happens everywhere and to everyone, they saw it as our country versus one man. There was also talk of a women that was killed because Bin Ladin was hiding behind her. The thing that most people don't think of in the midst of all this celebration and joy is the fact that he was not our only enemy and he will not be our last.
The articles that I read all seem to be worried about what the effects of killing Osama will have on America. Many are worried about retaliation and the war becoming worse than what it already is. They all seem to be against the fact that they killed a "killer" but they are also killers in essence. In the news we see on television, everyone seems to be happy and care free. RThey act like his death will make things better, and these articles oppose their views.
Osama Bin Laden
ReplyDelete1. Democracy Now
2. National Security Archive
3. Open Democracy
After looking at three different sources, all three show a different stance they have taken on the killing of Osama Bin Laden. The first site wanted to really figure out what happened and how did the Pakistanis not know about Bin Laden living down the road from a military academy. The second site reveled secrets that they say the U.S. was holding from Americans about Bin Laden wanted to attack this country. The final site wanted to know why the U.S. didn’t hold Bin Laden on trail and why so many are joyous over this mans death.
Dissent Voice-The Politics and Revenge and Submission
ReplyDeleteFilms for Action- America's Killing Sprees Define Who We Are As a People
Truth out- Obama Says The Wont Release Photos of Bin Laden's Corpse
These three article are looking upon the reaction of the American people (including or President) by Osama's death. There is a common understanding through what these journalist are saying: The American people are forgetting that we killed a man in cold blood. Is this what this country has come to be about. Obama saying that this is who we are, but not wanting to release Osama's photos because thats not what this country is about.
The difference between the main stream and alternative articles is that the alternative articles will say more outrageous stuff than mainstream. All of these articles just cause more confusion for Americans.
willie Jones
ReplyDeleteOn the news and TV they are saying that Bin Laden had a AK-47 gun and his wife in the room also ad they where force to shoot him because he was armed with a gun. Now the tree articles that I read saying something complete different revealing that Bin laden’s son and an unknown man where killed by the navy seal when they were unarmed. Also they never said that Bin Laden 12 year old daughter witness the killing and capture of her father. Most importantly the most popular revealing news in one of my articles are Bin Laden’s wife wasn’t in the room when they captured him she was killed in another room before they got to him and Bin Laden was unarmed when captured and shot twice, one in the head and one to the chest.
Sources- www.msnbc.msn.com article Bin Laden firefight: one man was armed
www.new.antiwar.com/ Bin Laden story Continues to change
www.smh.com. Daughter12 saw killing of unarmed Bin Laden
all of the sources are mostly the same, just saying that everyone is happy that he is dead. however, there are some people who think he is still alive because they showed fake pics of his body. lastly some people said they would like to keep him alive to torture him and make him feel the pain of those who died because of him.
Most of the information from the sources on the alleged death of Osama were pretty much the same. However some provided more details than others. And the last source
ReplyDeleteTook a completely different approach. They made the U.S appear as the bad guys while the others praised the U.S. So the question still remains whether he is alive or dead? And was the U.S in the wrong for killing him if they were unarmed?
-Nautica Lawrence
A lot of these alternative news sources, as I have gathered, tend to be more biased, or aimed at a certain group. There are news sources for socialists and democrats, respectively; there are news sites specifically for anti-war news, recycling, etc. Not all of the stories on these websites are particularly ABOUT socialist news or recycling, they do however portray a bias corresponding to the audience. Also, these sites show the stuff that isn’t portrayed on mainstream news sources, at least not on their front pages. They put a focus on issues that are less represented, but still important.
These articles about Osama seem to uncover things that mainstream media do not have any interest in reporting to the general public. Granted there seems to be a small amount of bias, which will always remain in certain media corporaions for influence, but these articles are trying to prove a point and trying to uncover what many people do not want a typical citizen to know about when it comes to certain topics.
Each of these articles said the same thing of the alleged death of Osama. The alternative articles give a less detailed versoin of what had happened, compared to mainstream sources.
All of these articles have different points that they are making and in each is something for each side. None of them have any more information than another or the mainstream, and alot are tied up with conspiracies.
The articles on these alternative news websites often have catagories on their homepages that would be thought of as subcatagories. The websites themselves seem to target people- people who are against war, democrats or republican news. Most articles about Osama Bin Laden's death showed the murder on both sides while the mainstream news programs in America only show his death as a victory.
J. Gleason
The U.S. operation that killed Osama bin-laden was secretive and to some people controversial. However tis is an event that should be celebrated. After many years the most wanted man in the world had been found.
These articles all seem to have a common theme and that is the fear of retaliation. Two articles talk about what happened to him and the whole process of his assassination but the fear of retaliation seems to be looming over a lot of heads. Osama’s death is just the starts of things to come, seems to be the general consensus of articles.
After reading three different articles all focused on the death of Osama Bin laden, I noticed that they are all similar expressing their gratitude due to the fact that Osama bin Laden was killed and captured. The sources also state how it took us eight years to accomplish this task that should have happened right after 9/11 took place. One article felt that the U.S. were the bad guys and that they interrogated Osama before he was captured.
The independent news websites unveil a very interesting side to the whole Osama killing. It seems that many of the main stream news sources make the killing sound like a huge change has occurred since the death of Osama. Actually it is a bit disgusting. Killing one man does not give us the right to parade around and be so happy. Reading these websites shows the other side of the story. The side where he wasn't the only one killed and that many other innocent people were killed. The side that lets us know that his daughter was in the room when he was killed. Having places to go for the more disturbing story is good because they don't pretend that everything is okay now.
I've noticed that the mainstream articles aren't as detail-oriented or opinionated. I enjoy reading the alternative news sources because they focus in on more specific areas of a certain topic instead of only conveying the general idea.
Reading these different sources showed me how many different opinions and views of this situation there are. I noticed that the alternative sources were putting opinion and skepticism into their articles. It was kind of like they were trying to raise even more of a reaction to the death of Osama bin Laden.
1. http://whatreallyhappened.com/content/no-proof-has-been-offered-suggesting-official-osama-bin-laden-death-narrative-even-remotely-0
Main stream media celebrated the death of Osama in the spirit of patriotism and the war against "terrorism." However as more of the story begins to unveil, more and more people, I think, are starting to realize that just like the 9/11 attack , this could just be another hoax of the government to get the country on their side .
What I’ve gotten out of these articles and several other is that as a population, Americans are relieved that Osama is dead. However once the thrill of revenge wares off you wonder how relevant killing him was in our nations fight against terrorism globally.
Shana Harris
These articles are basically explaining how the war started and they are giving a lot of facts about the war. They are all opinionated about the situation and it seems like they are enjoying and celebrating Osama’s death.
.) http://news.antiwar.com/2011/05/04/obama-rules-out-releasing-photos-of-slain-bin-laden/
ReplyDelete2.) http://www.alternet.org/world/150842/did_osama_bin_laden_win_the_%22war_on_terror%22/
Overall, i believe that the death of Osama Bin LAden was a national goal as he was a masss murderer , am i surethat the way it was done was the right way ? , Well NO. Although quite frankly, who really does .. none of us were there in the heat of the moment i believe that if we TRUST our President and the calls that he makes and the orders he gave there should be no isssue. He made that call on legitamte terms and reasons. Now that a man who killed thousands, and may have had a direct correlation to 9/11 is gone , to me it's a relief . More innocent people won't be being kilt for no reason. Although, what i found interesting is in the second source, they stated maybe we gave OSAMA BIN LADEN what he wanted a glorious death , a man who became an icon because of the mass murders he commited.. Maybe being taken out and executed the way he was along with all of the attention his name is getting now is exactly what he hoped for.
One thing I noticed that was different in the alternative news opposed to the main stream news was they were much more neutral in the articles and the facts weren’t based on speculation. The other day I read an article about Bin Laden’s death in the Democrat and Chronicle and it was interesting to me how biased it was. The facts they gave for all of Bin Laden supposed crimes were all just speculation because they said he was believed to be. The articles I read today were much more fact giving, realistic, unbiased.
While reading these articles it basically expressed on how i felt on the matter. They all seem slightly similar on how America has degraded themselves by celebrating someone's death. Then again i can still see why people may celebrate because of their love ones, and others may be celebrating because at the end of the day America became a little closer. Yet what people don't seem to realize like the article states, the war is still not over. We have yet no idea what may happen next.
When reading all the different articles, I discovered just how big this event is. A lot of the reporters covered many aspects besides the actual death such as what will happen next, how it affects the president, and how it affects the rest of the world.
Even if some of these websites have a have lots of blogs that are seperate from the actual news aspect of the blogs it raises a lot of questions for me. i agree that there should be other news sources that are seperate from the major corporations but it would even still it is important to question all aspects of information being handed to you. The osama bin laden subject seems to be drawing more ethical issues than anything.
ReplyDeleteMost of these "Alternative News Sources" seem to be awfully negative compared to mainstream news sources. Saying the united states didn't have permission to do what they did. Others say that it is likely that Osama isn't even dead. They mentioned a lot of things that add up. But something like this is bound to generate a lot of controversy. I feel we may never know hundred percent what went down. I can live with that.
Some of these articles focused more on the affect that Bin Laden's death had on other countries, whereas the articles that we have received from mainstream new sources are all about it's affect on the US only. It opens people's eyes to the fact that this is a global event and everyone has their own opinion on it. A couple of these articles also don't necessarily show this event as a victory to be celebrating about, either.