Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wednesday March 2 photojournalist selections

Below are you photojournalist selections. There are no duplicates.
1. Check Monday's blog for details on the assignment.
2. To summarize the above: you have a total of 7 slides on a power point. The first shall consist of a photo of your photographer with his or her life dates. Please make this attractive, that is no plain-white background, a large enough image, so that someone in the back of the room can see it clearly and legible font. DO NOT include any other biographical information on the slide. You may, however, speak on the photographer's philosophy, experiences and camera objectives.
3. The next six slides should consist only of large images, the exception being a location or date.
4. You should, however, know where and when the photo was taken, as well as if there was a particular purpose behind the image. This information should be spoken, not written.Your power point must be on a thumb drive, as it takes too long to open up everyone's school drive.


On Monday, everyone will turn in an outline of your project. This will obviate any procrastination in completing the project. What should the outline consist of? 1. A short bio on your photographer. This is not to be copied from a wiki site, but put into your own words. 2. A list of your photos, which should include dates, places and a brief description. 3. A 100 word response as to why this individual is significant. NO OUTLINES WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER CLASS ON MONDAY. These will count as a quiz grade.

Period 5 journalists;
Deidre- Hansel Mieth
Shanay-Jim Richardson
Medina- Lee Miller
Willie-Gordon Parks
Celia- Kevin Carter
Zach-Eadweard Muybridge
Savannah- Timothy Allen
Rachel- Andre Kertesz
Fiona- Carol Guzy
Kristian-Robert Cap
Sebastian-Alfred Eisenstaedt
Angelee-Sergio Dorantes
Elean-Melissa Springer
Tyrese- James Vanderzee
Bonita-Altaf Qudri
Elaine- Sam Abell
Conor- Spider Martin
Jack-Jacob Riis
Corinee- Pablo Barthomew
Shaniqua-Stephen ?
Amanda- Addison Scurlock
Chris Jim Brandenburg
Louis -Ansel Adams

period 7
Joe- Kevin Connolly
Rodrigue- Paul Couvrette
Meredith- Dith Pran
Vincent-Roman Vishniac
Micah- Spider Martin
Adrianna- Melissa Spinger
Shawn- Marcus Bleasdale
Ajani- Galen Powell
Molly- Margaret Bourke-White
Thomiqua- Timothy Allen
Taaquia- Russell Klika
Merique- Deborah Kogan
Kristina- Ansel Adams
Linh- Stephen Alvarez
Mahogany-Lee Miller
Precious- Enrico Martino
India- lucian Perkins
Leah- Zoriah
Brianna- James Nachwey
Malka - timothy O Sullivan
Danielle-Jim Richardson
Justin- Kenji Nagai
Spenser-Danny Lyon

Period 9
Katie-Jim Brandenberg
Dominique-Oscar Reylander
Shaquille- Art Wolfe
Marina-Liu Bolin
Hannah- Steve McCurry
Eliza- Dorothea Lange
Erin- Mark Moffat
Shana- Lucian Perkins
Morghan- Melissa Springer
Cady- Spider Martin
Atinuke- Gilles Bensimon
Zach- Robert Capa
Boston- Reza
Michael- Gordon Parks
Sage- Peter Funch
Ashley- Sergop Dorantes
James- Louis Hine
Jasmine- James Nachwey

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