Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Obituaries are due at the close of class today.
Crime terms quiz is tomorrow.
I'll also hand out the next newsgrammar tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Urrr.
    Uhm like really? Theres like, this guy and hes all like, shooting people and stuff and im all like are you seriously right now? This guy is totally mean. He killed like, a 9 year old girl and then shot more people with his gun and thats just illegal okay? I don't know who this lady is but she has a really nice style and i think that fashion sense is a good way to sense someone's character.

    I think this whole situation is majorly horrible. This guy is a total jerk and like a terrorist and stuff and we don't like, like terrorists okay? His family should have totally managed him. I mean like, my parents try to like, control me and stuff (which is stupid) but they should of been like, hey, no terrorism past 9 ok? Even though i dont listen to my parents when they say stuff like that they should have atleast tried.

    Every teenager has had to have "the talk" with their parents and when i say "the talk" i mean the anti terrorism talk. Every parent's worst nightmare is to wake up with a bundle of C4 strapped to their chest signed love you son and this fuels the intiative to start "the talk". If they didn't have the talk (because the talk solves all terrorism problems) then that is like, totally their fault. They should have noticed that he was terrorizing.

